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Understanding Your Pet's Medication Changes: Beyond-Use Date and Package Size Adjustments Explained

As a dedicated pet owner, you might have noticed recent changes to the Beyond-Use Dates BUDs and package sizes of your pet's compounded medications. You may even be having a hard time finding certain medications—like transdermal gels--that you have been using for years. What happened? Understanding the Beyond-Use Date BUD Changes The Beyond-Use Date BUD is the date after which a compounded medication can no longer be used. The recent changes in BUDs for pet medications are a result of ...

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What to Do When Your Dog Is Overly Aggressive Towards Other Dogs

My Dog Likes to Fight Other Dogs—What Can I Do? It's not uncommon for a dog to get aggressive toward an unknown dog or other dogs in your home because a dog often feels the need to protect their territory or possessions. There is a limit as to how aggressive or protective a dog should be. If your dog shows excessive aggression towards other dogs, then she is putting herself in a position where she could either suffer or inflict an injury, and this ultimately could result in a lawsuit or an...

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What to do About Lack of Bladder Control in Dogs

Does Your Dog Suffer from Bladder Control Issues? Lack of bladder control, also known as urinary incontinence, is a condition that most commonly affects spayed female larger breeds of dogs, and dogs who are middle aged to elderly. If your dog suddenly has started urinating in the house or is having difficulty urinating, then she may be suffering from urinary incontinence. This guide will help you understand the condition better so you can get her the treatment she needs. A wide range of factors ...

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What Causes Canine Cough?

Common Causes of Canine Cough When a dog starts coughing, it is usually a symptom of an underlying condition that is affecting her respiratory system. But coughing can be caused by a wide range of issues that can be divided into four primary categories: auto-immune issues and inflammatory conditions, infectious agents, geriatric and degenerative conditions, and congenital conditions. Auto-Immune and Inflammatory Causes of Canine Cough Allergies and asthma are two major cause of coughing in this ...

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Tips and Tricks for Getting Pets to Take Their Medicine

A Spoonful of Sugar Helps the Medicine Go Down It's the one job that all pet owners dislike—convincing a pet to take his medicine. Whether it's a tablet or liquid, dogs and cats notoriously are averse to taking their medications, and all too often, it results in doses being missed and pet owners being exasperated. This is not good for anybody, but it's bad for your pet because he needs his medicine if he is going to get better. What can you do to help improve the odds that your pet follows...

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Human Medications That Are Toxic to Pets

It's not uncommon for veterinarians to turn to human medications to treat pets who are suffering from certain health conditions. But just because pets can take some human medications doesn't mean that all medications made for humans are likewise safe for pets. In fact, some of the most-commonly prescribed human medications can be dangerous and even potentially deadly when ingested by animals. Top 10 Medications to Keep Away from Your Pet NSAIDs —Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, or NS...

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Did You Know Your Pet Can Transfer These Skin Problems to You?

Common Skin Problems Your Pet Can Pass on to You The pet with whom you share your home and possibly your bed can transfer a skin disease or other disease to you. Cats and dogs can transfer a wide variety of diseases, called zoonotic diseases, to humans. Some of these diseases can have serious effects on your skin. Protect yourself by making sure your pet has regular veterinary care, including when you notice something different about his skin, to avoid a nasty skin condition. Read on to learn mo...

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Common Bacterial and Fungal Skin Infections in Birds

Skin Infections Seen in Pet Birds With good nutrition and a healthy environment, birds tend to be hearty pets. But like all living things, they can be at risk for developing bacterial or fungal infections. In most cases, a bird's immune system is strong enough to keep such infections at bay. But if a bird has a compromised immune system, her owner needs to pay close attention for signs of infection. If an infection goes untreated, the bird may start to peck at the infected area until it becomes ...

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Cancerous and Non-Cancerous Growths in a Cat's Mouth

Have You Noticed a Growth in Your Cat's Mouth Recently? Notice a mass growing in their cat's mouth? Your first worry may be that it's cancer. But not all oral growths are cancerous. A cat can develop a growth in her mouth for a variety of reasons. This guide will help you learn more about cancerous and non-cancerous growths that can develop your cat's mouth, how they are diagnosed, and how they're treated. Where Do Oral Masses Usually Develop in Cats? An oral mass is the term used to describe a ...

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12 Things You Can Do to Quiet a Barking Dog

Man's Best Friend Can Be a Noisy Housemate It wouldn't be reasonable to expect your dog never to bark, nor would it even be desirable. After all, your dog's barking might alert you to the presence of an intruder in your home, and there's nothing like a friendly Hello! from your best friend to perk up your spirits. But for dog owners whose animals bark excessively, barking can become a headache-inducing nuisance, not to mention a source of tension among neighbors. If you have a dog who has been s...

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A Guide to Seizures and Convulsions in Dogs

Dealing with Dog Seizures and Convulsions When your dog suddenly looks confused, drops to the floor on her side, and starts kicking her legs as if she is treading water, she most likely is having a seizure. Seizures and convulsions can occur in any breed of dog, though some types of seizures are more common in some breeds than others. This guide will help you learn more about seizures and convulsions in dogs, and what you can do if your animal suddenly has one. Common Causes of Seizures in Dogs ...

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Common Antibiotics for Dogs and Cats

Antibiotics Commonly Prescribed for Pets Like humans, dogs and cats develop bacterial infections that require a treatment program involving antibiotics. Antibacterial medications are essential for treating these infections because they destroy the infected organism while leaving your pet's healthy cells intact. Some antibiotics work by preventing bacteria from building cell walls, thereby stopping their ability to reproduce, while others work by starving the bacteria to prevent the infected ...

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Everything You Should Know About Feeding Human Food to Dogs and Cats

Do You Consistently Feed Your Dogs and Cats from Your Plate? Before commercial pet food entered the market, many dogs and cats lived on the scraps left over from human's meals. This trend regained popularity in 2007 after hundreds of dogs and cats died from eating melamine-contaminated food manufactured in China. Today, more and more pet owners are home-cooking the foods their pets eat so they know exactly what goes into their diets. While this is certainly an acceptable way to feed your pet, th...

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Fungal Infection (Aspergillosis) in Dogs: Symptoms Checklist

What If My Dog's Nose Develops a Fungal Infection? Are you worried that your dog might have a fungal infection in her nose? This guide will help you learn more about aspergillosis, including warning signs and symptoms to look for. Aspergillosis is a common fungus that is found in certain parts of the country. When inhaled, it can cause a fungal infection in a dog's nasal cavity and sinuses. It also can develop into a disseminated fungal infection, in which the infection spreads beyond the nasal ...

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What Kinds of Cancers Are Most Common in Cats?

Common Types of Feline Cancer and What to Do About Them A cat can develop a variety of different types of cancers, just like humans and other animals. Just like a family member being diagnosed with this disease, having a cat diagnosed with cancer can cause you to feel overwhelmed, afraid, and worried about your beloved pet. As unfortunate as a cancer diagnosis is, with modern medicine and advancements, there are multiple treatment options. Today's surgical, chemotherapy and radiation treatments ...

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Subcutaneous Injections for Dogs and Cats

How to Give Subcutaneous Injections to Your Pet Prepare everything before you get your pet. Wipe off the top of the injection vial with an alcohol swab, draw-up the correct dosage and eject all the air from the syringe. If the medication was refrigerated, let it rise to room temperature. Put the syringe in an easily accessible area, out of sight of your animal. Giving your pet a shot is much easier with help. The other person can restrain your animal and keep him calm while you give the injectio...

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10 Things to Know About Keeping a Gerbil as a Pet

Thinking About Getting a Gerbil as a Pet? In many American households, a gerbil is chosen as a child's first pet. This is because parents want to make sure their children are up to the task of caring for a pet, and capable of handling all the responsibilities that go along with owning one. Gerbils are small, they don't need to be walked every day, and they don't require a ten-year commitment. Gerbils make great pets for kids. They supply endless hours of entertainment and fun. Even though caring...

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Bartonella Infection in Dogs

Bartonella May Affect Dogs and Be Transmitted to Humans Bartonellosis is an infectious disease caused by bacteria in dogs. The bacteria that causes the disease, bartonella, can infect humans and cats, too. In humans, the infection has been known as cat scratch disease, though the infection is rarely transmitted either through cat bites or scratches. Dogs get bartonella bacteria through contact with lice, ticks, fleas, and even sand fleas. Hunting dogs and working dogs who encounter livestock and...

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A Guide to Corneal Ulcers in Cats

What to Do If Your Cat Has Corneal Ulcers The cornea is the transparent part of the eye that covers the iris and pupil. It is the part of the eye that allows light into the eye, and without it, a cat's vision would be impaired. A corneal ulcer, or ulcerative keratitis, is a painful condition in which the deepest layers of the cat's cornea are lost or damaged. If you have noticed that your cat is squinting her eyes and/or tearing excessively, take her to the veterinarian to make sure she doesn't ...

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Diarrhea and Worms in Cats and Dogs

Dealing with Worms and Diarrhea in Cats and Dogs When a beloved pet has diarrhea, it can be cause for concern. A wide variety of illnesses and situations can cause diarrhea. One of the most common causes of diarrhea in cats and dogs is intestinal parasites. Intestinal parasites are so common, veterinarians almost always ask that you bring a stool sample when the pet has an appointment. There are several different types of intestinal parasites a dog or cat can get, including roundworm, tapeworm, ...

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Understanding Tail Language: What Your Cat Is Communicating

Your Cat Is Telling You Something with Her Tail Cats may seem completely enigmatic to some, with their aloof behavior and capacity for what seems like coldness. But as any cat lover may tell you, there's a lot more going on with a cat than may at first meet the eye. Though interpreting cat behavior can be very challenging for some, gaining a basic understanding of a cat's moods as shown by her tail movements is relatively easy. Here's a quick rundown of what your cat can be trying to...

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How to Tell If Your Cat Is Aging: Signs and Symptoms to Watch For

Watching Your Cat for Signs That His Needs Are Changing It is a fact of life that from the smallest microorganism to the largest mammals, we all are aging. Cats, nine lives or not, are no exception to this rule. As cats age, their dietary, activity, and healthcare needs change. As a responsible pet owner, you want to make sure that your cat is well taken care of, regardless of his age. Unfortunately, the journey into aging doesn't begin for all cats at the same time in their lives. Adopted s...

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Symptoms and Treatment for Your Dog's Gallstone Issues

Gallstones in Dogs Developing stones in the gallbladder, a condition also known as cholelithiasis, can affect dogs and cats as well as humans. This article, however, is specific to cholelithiasis in dogs. In both dogs and humans, gallstones form out of secreted substances in the gallbladder such as calcium and other minerals. Dogs have lower cholesterol-saturation in their bile than humans do. This is beneficial for our dog companions as it means that they are less likely than humans to develop ...

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Poisonous House Plants for Dogs and Cats

Common Indoor House Plants That Are Poisonous to Cats and Dogs When you become a pet owner, you are responsible for another living creature, and it is your job to ensure that you provide your pet with a safe and healthy environment. Sometimes, this involves removing things from your home, like houseplants. Many pet owners aren't aware that their houseplants can pose serious health risks if a pet eats part or all of them. They often assume since a plant is being sold for use in the home it must b...

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10 Things You to Know About Keeping a Hamster as a Pet

Keeping Your Hamster Happy and Healthy Hamsters, for many people, make excellent pets. They don't require a lot of attention, get enough exercise running on their wheel, and are cute, cuddly, and pleasant to hold. They can make an excellent starter pet for some children. Unfortunately, hamsters don't come with care instructions. While caring for a hamster isn't difficult, it does help to have at least a basic understanding of what you're getting into when you keep one as a pet. 1—Not Too Y...

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Chagas Disease in Pets

Chagas Disease is a serious illness that's caused by a zoonotic protozoan parasite known as Trypanosoma cruzi. This parasite eventually works its way into the body's circulation system, where it spreads to all the other organs, although the heart and brain are the organs on which it has the most adverse effects. This disease is transmitted via kissing bugs or assassin bugs. Animals who live in South and Central America are particularly at risk of contracting the disease. In the U.S., cases are a...

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Everything You Should Know About Pet Behavior During a Full Moon

Is Your Dog or Cat Exhibiting Strange Behavior? It Could Be the Moon. It's not uncommon for humans to act strangely during full moons. Just visit any hospital emergency room or jailhouse to see for yourself. But did you know that pets also can be affected by the full moon? According to one study, animal hospitals see increases in visits 23% in cats, 28% in dogs over the course of the three nights of full moons. If you believe your pet's behavior changes during the full moon and you want to know ...

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Soft-Tissue Sarcoma in Pets

Soft-tissue sarcomas are a class of tumors that originate from an animal's soft and/or connective tissues. Most commonly, the tumors form in the smooth and skeletal muscles, lymph vessels, blood vessels, and fatty tissues, but they can happen in any part of the body. There are several types of sarcomas that are recognized as soft tissue sarcomas, including fibrosarcomas, histiocytomas, myxosarcomas, malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumors, liposarcomas, and lymphangiosarcomas, among others. The...

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Feline Urinary Tract Infections: Symptoms Checklist

When Cats Get Urinary-Tract Infections Feline urinary-tract infections are a factor in a common condition that goes by a few different names, including Idiopathic Feline Lower Urinary Tract Disease IFLUTD , Feline Idiopathic Cystitis FIC , or Feline Urologic Syndrome FUS . These conditions can occur at any age, although they most commonly affect cats between the ages of one and five years of age. It is less common in cats who are less than one year of age, and cats older than 10. Causes of Felin...

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Acute Respiratory Distress in Dogs (ARDS)

Diagnosing Severe Respiratory Issues in Canines Do you think your dog might have acute respiratory distress syndrome ARDS ? If your dog recently suffered a traumatic event and seems to have difficulty breathing since the time of that event, then she may be suffering from acute respiratory distress, also known as shock lung. This guide will give you some insight into what this condition is, and how it can affect your dog. The Origins of ARDS, or Acute Respiratory Distress in Canines The term ARDS...

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How to Tell If Your Dog Is Dealing with Tooth Pain

When It Looks Like Your Dog Is Suffering from a Painful Tooth … It can be difficult to tell when a dog is suffering from a painful condition because they aren't able to voice their discomfort like humans can. Being able to identify the signs and symptoms that your dog might be in pain can be a very important part of being a pet owner. A dog can develop tooth pain for several reasons. Some of the most-common causes include infected or swollen gums, a broken tooth, and tartar build-up; dogs ...

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Identifying and Treating Tapeworms in Dogs

What to Do When You Think Your Dog Has a Tapeworm Of all the parasites a dog can get, the tapeworm is commonly known for being one of the easiest to identify and treat. While it may cause your pet to experience some uncomfortable symptoms, a tapeworm generally doesn't cause very serious problems if the issue is treated appropriately. As with any illness, the sooner you get your dog treated, the better. Tapeworms usually develop after a dog swallows a flea that's infected with the parasite's larv...

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Post-Surgical Treatment Medications for Pets

The Top Compounding Medications Used for Post-Surgical Treatment and Conditions When an animal undergoes a surgical procedure, certain medications will be prescribed and administered to help the pet patient endure post-surgical treatment, and to help recovery in as comfortable a state as possible. Patients may receive medications for pain and nausea, as well as an antibiotic to help prevent infection, and an appetite stimulant to help encourage the animal to eat. Here are the top medications tha...

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What Can I Do About My Cat in Heat?

A Cat's Heat Can Be Difficult – For You and Your Cat Few sounds are quite as disconcerting as a yowling cat in heat. If you've ever been awakened by amorous caterwauling outside your window, you know how unsettling it can be. You might put your earplugs in, or bury your head in your pillow and hope that the neighborhood cats find another place for their noisy trysts. But when the cat in question is your roommate, you can't just cross your fingers and hope that she moves along. Thankfully, ...

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Bacterial and Fungal Infections in Dogs

Diagnosing and Treating Canine Bacterial and Fungal Infections Dogs are susceptible to a wide range of bacterial and fungal infections, especially when they spend a lot of time outdoors. These infections can be worrisome for pet owners because some bacterial infections can be fatal if treatment is not administered promptly. In this guide, we'll provide an overview of the most-common bacterial and fungal infections found in dogs and how they can be treated. Most Common Bacterial Infections in Dog...

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Staph Infection in Dogs: Symptoms Checklist

Dealing with Canine Staph Infection Are you worried that your dog might have a staph infection? This guide will help you learn more about staphylococcus infections, including the warning signs and symptoms to watch for. The most-common type of staph infection seen in dogs is staphylococcal dermatitis, a bacterial skin infection that can cause the skin to become red and inflamed. This type of bacteria lives naturally on the skin of dogs and humans, where it stays dormant as long as the skin is he...

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Eyelid Inflammation (Blepharitis) in Dogs

When Your Dog Suffers from Eye Inflammation If your dog has one or both eyes showing signs of swelling and redness, then she may be suffering from a type of eyelid inflammation known as blepharitis. In this guide, we'll review the signs and symptoms of blepharitis, its common causes, and how it can be treated so you can get your pet the treatment she needs to recover. Blepharitis is an inflammatory condition that affects a dog's eyelid, and in some cases, other tissues in and around the eye, inc...

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Chocolate Poisoning in Cats: What You Need to Know

My Cat Ate Chocolate! What Should I Do? Cats are curious pets but, unlike dogs, cats don’t tend to eat things that aren’t safe for them to eat. Of course, this doesn’t mean that your cat won’t eat something bad for her. We’ve all seen our furry feline friends chewing on a leaf or two that she shouldn’t have. One food that can be dangerous for a cat is chocolate. Why Is Chocolate Bad for Cats? Chocolate is made from the roasted seeds of the cacao plant, and the...

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